Title Department
Meet Dave and Nick! Dave is our Director of Title and Nick is our Title Research Specialist. Combined, they both have over 35 years of experience in title research. We pulled them away momentarily to ask them for some advice on placing an order with our Title Department
Dave: “Having a parcel ID number (PIN) and/or a legal description may be useful if the County Assessor doesn’t match the address your client provided to you. Sometimes, a mailing address is confused with the situs address that a county has on file for your subject property. With a parcel ID number or legal description, however, you’ll almost never go wrong.”
Nick: “When researching judgments and liens against common names, it’s always helpful to have a middle initial to cross-reference. Using the extra information, it would definitely cut down on unnecessary copy costs of John Smiths that would need to be researched, providing your client with more accurate results and a much faster turnaround time.”
Dave: “Each state has different laws regarding probate cases and wills, as well as different forums they may be filed in and how they affect the property. ”
Nick: “Depending on which state the property is located in, documents may need to be filed in either one or both the circuit court and the county clerk’s office.”
UCC Department
Our top UCC researchers, Mike and Grant are our UCC research specialists who conduct research in our midwestern coverage area. Mike is an ALTA certified searcher with over 5 years of experience in the business. Grant is a writing and researching specialist who’s been with Boomerang for the last three years.
Here are Mike’s and Grant’s tips to ensure accurate results for all of your county search needs:
Mike: “Provide an individual’s middle initial and date of birth when requesting a criminal court search. Middle initials help specify results, and a date of birth is required when we have to perform these searches.”
Grant: “Looking for a particular document for your UCC search? Let us know the document number. Sometimes company names and individuals can be misspelled, incorrectly indexed, have two UCC document numbers, you name it! But with more information, we can make sure you get the right information you need.”
Don’t Forget:
- Provide as much information on the target as possible
- Know where your searching (county, state, and/or municipality) so we know where to look for results
- If you ever have any questions on how to best approach the results you’re looking for, just ask! You can email us at orders@boomerangis.com, or call at 312-662-1206